Waterproofing: Everything You Need to Know About It
When we talk about construction problems, you must agree that infiltration appears in most cases, isn't it? Whatever the pathological manifestation, you can be sure that there is a waterproofing failure involved.
It may seem like an exaggeration, but often, when a problem occurs in the work and we try to understand its cause, it is common to verify that if a waterproofing Correctly, all the inconvenience could have been avoided! The real importance of waterproofing is not always given due value, but I guarantee that if you read this article to the end you will understand what we are talking about!
We, who have been working in the field of civil construction for years, have noticed that many of the pathological manifestations that arise in buildings have their origin in a failure in the waterproofing. People often underestimate the capacity of water to do enormous damage to buildings and end up taking action only when something very serious happens.
And most of the time, the repair cost is high and not always reversible. For this reason, we always say that the best thing to do, without a doubt, is to waterproof the entire work correctly in addition to carrying out periodic maintenance. Therefore, have I told you beforehand that it's not worth saving on waterproofing, combined?
To make you aware of how important it is to carry out waterproofing in the right way, at the right time and with the right product, we will start from scratch and with information that you are probably tired of knowing, but rest assured that throughout the text, we will introduce new and essential subjects to guarantee a quality and resistant construction.
As for the problems that a waterproofing failure can cause, there are many and we have talked about some of them in other articles that we have done and that you can access here on our blog! Do you want to take a look? Browse the articles to find the specific topic you need! Today, we are going to do the most complete article on waterproofing! Do you want to understand everything about it? So come with us!
A waterproofing, as we have said, is one of the most important stages of civil construction, but it is often overlooked, either for reasons of cost containment or for misinformation. If done correctly, it prevents the appearance of pathological manifestations, which are as varied as possible, ranging from a stain to serious structural problems. In addition, problems with water infiltration provide unsanitary and unsightly environments. That's why we're here today, making this article available so you can understand why it's not worth saving on waterproofing!
So, let's start with the most basic issues about waterproofing so that we can delve into this topic and also address the NBR's that deal with this. We always like to emphasize the importance of consulting the NBR's before performing any procedure, since they guide and establish standards to be followed so that the execution is done correctly, guaranteeing quality for the work.
We intend to exhaust the most common doubts and disclose information that is often restricted to professionals in the field only. We at Blok, with the mission of constantly innovating, decided to create this article in order to disseminate information and provide useful knowledge so that it can be applied by a larger number of people, contributing to the evolution of the construction market! Are you ready? Come on, there!
If in this article we intend to exhaust the topic of waterproofing, we need to know how to answer the most basic question on the subject: What is waterproofing? In general, we can understand waterproofing as a process of applying specific products to surfaces that are subject to weather conditions, especially water.
Basically, the main purpose of waterproofing is to protect them against the harmful action of water, which can generate numerous pathological manifestations through infiltrations, such as stains, molds and more serious problems.
Did you understand? To be even clearer, we can define waterproofing as a procedure performed through the application of products with the purpose of sealing, sealing or filling porous materials and their possible flaws. Its application can be done with various types of products, always respecting the particularities of each material and surface where it will be applied.
For example, the type of material must be considered as well as the form in which the surface contacts the water and how exposed it is. Finally, there are countless variables that must be taken into account in order to protect the surface in question when choosing the product waterproofing!
Waterproofing is not only essential because it protects the entire surface from aesthetic problems such as paint coating, stains and fungi, but it is also responsible for forming a protective layer in order to avoid more serious structural problems, such as the very degradation of the structure due to corrosion of the reinforcement and even prevents the appearance of cracks and fissures, which may also contribute to the deterioration of the entire construction.
It is important to say that the appearance of mold and fungi comes from humidity and, in addition to interfering with the surface finish, affects the health of the people who live in or frequent the place. For this reason, waterproofing is a process that is totally linked to aesthetic, structural and even human health issues!
Thus, by waterproofing the entire building correctly and using the right products for each area, you keep the environments conserved, ensuring the integrity of the structure while providing a healthy environment for the people who attend!
Civil construction encompasses the construction of works of the most varied types such as houses, buildings, bridges, dams, roads, airports and so many other types of buildings that we see out there. To make a work, several stages are necessary from design to finishing, including so many others. And one of them is waterproofing, a very important stage of civil construction that is sometimes left out for reasons of cost containment or even misinformation on the part of the professionals responsible for the work.
But, the appearance of pathological manifestations is inevitable if the waterproofing is not done correctly. That is why we are here today: so that there are no doubts about the importance of waterproofing in construction sites.
When it comes to quality of work, the waterproofing process plays a very important role, since if carried out properly, the construction will have more durability, resistance and less headache. Think with me: if during the work, you carry out all the necessary procedures for waterproofing, for sure, the chances of problems with seepage and moisture are much lower. And there's nothing better than avoiding problems that can be prevented, isn't it?
But after all, what is the purpose of waterproofing in civil construction? As we have said and we will talk several times here in this article, waterproofing is one of the stages of the execution of a work, responsible for protecting the entire structure against the action of water through the application of specific products. Basically, by waterproofing the entire building, you will have a quality construction, with more resistance and durability, extending the degradation time.
Obviously, every construction will deteriorate over the years, however, if the entire waterproofing process is carried out during the execution of the work, periodic maintenance becomes more spaced and simple! There's no doubt that it's worth it!
Thus, in summary, we can understand that a waterproofing system in construction is essential for the safety and quality of the work, in addition to making the environments healthy and suitable for the prevention of respiratory diseases for the people who frequent the place. The consequences of infiltration are often irreversible to the structure, not to mention financial losses and emotional distress. Therefore, we say: give due importance to waterproofing during the execution of the work, because then it may be too late!
Now, let's understand more about how the products act during this waterproofing process, that is, how the waterproofing works.
As we said here, the waterproofing agent has the role of protecting the surface from the harmful effects that water brings when in contact with the substrates. Thus, we can say that the waterproofing works as a protective layer that prevents the passage of water, thus preventing the onset of pathological manifestations.
We know that water has an enormous capacity for percolation and infiltration in any situation, and civil construction is no different. Water can seep downward, as is the case of gravity, or upward, through capillarity. In addition, it can exert positive or negative pressures on surfaces, seeping in when there is an opening or even percolating through the pores of the materials. Thus, we cannot underestimate, in any way, the capacity of water to seep into structures and, therefore, the waterproofing agent acts in this sense: protecting the surfaces and the structure by forming a safe path when in contact with water, preventing it from causing damage to materials.
There are countless types of waterproofing agents and in order to choose the right one for what you need, it is necessary to take into account all the specifics of the place where it will be applied. For this reason, first of all, consulting a professional in the area is always a good idea, since he understands the situation, he will be able to indicate the best waterproofing agent for your case! It is necessary to understand what surface material, what is the form of exposure to water and so many other important peculiarities for the choice of the product to be appropriate!
So, to summarize and make it even clearer, in general, a waterproofing agent provides protection against moisture attack to the surface where it is applied and prevents water infiltration, ensuring durability, stability and safety for the work.
Therefore, today, we are going to explain how waterproofers are classified and which type is best for each area to be applied. So, when you are going to waterproof your house or any building, you will already have a sense of what you need!
The purpose of the waterproofing agent is to form a protective layer against the harmful effects of water for the surface where it is applied, preventing moisture attack and preventing infiltrations that can damage the entire structure. With the right waterproofing agent, you guarantee a construction with quality, durability and safety.
Now that we have made an introduction and you, of course, have understood what waterproofing is and what it is for in civil construction, let's delve a little deeper into the topic.
Have you ever wondered why it's important to waterproof? You should know that waterproofing is a very important stage when it comes to the construction of any work, but do you really understand why waterproof? This topic explains this and now, I'm sure, you won't miss any work without doing the correct waterproofing! Do you want to better understand what we're talking about? So let's go, there!
As we said before, waterproofing is not always treated with due importance during the execution process of any work, and is only remembered when problems with infiltration appear, isn't it? Whether due to cost containment or misinformation, waterproofing is not performed, but we know that it is a process that must always be prioritized to guarantee quality for the work!
When discovered in the early stages of construction development, problems associated with waterproofing can be identified and eliminated much more easily. What usually happens is to pay attention to waterproofing problems only at the end of the work or even after it has been completed. Then it may be too late and the repair cost too high. Therefore, it is important to carry out waterproofing right at the beginning of the work to avoid enormous inconvenience. Often, the damage is irreversible. And that's the answer to the question we intend to answer in this topic: Why waterproof? And the answer is: it's not worth it, in any sense! Let's explain...
We know that a waterproofing system in any building is essential to guarantee building safety in addition to making environments healthy and more suitable for human beings. Water brings with it agents that cause damage, often irreversible, to the structure in addition to financial losses, especially when it requires restoration of the structure.
In practical terms, it's easy to understand. There is already a very interesting calculation that relates the repair costs related to the pathological manifestations caused by a waterproofing failure with the costs of doing the waterproofing right at the beginning of the work and, guess what the result was? As expected, the costs involved in the repair resulting from waterproofing faults can be up to fifteen times higher than if planned in the project and executed during the construction as a preventive measure!
It's not news to anyone that the lifespan of a building is directly linked to an efficient waterproofing system. And, to give you an idea, the actual execution of the waterproofing in the early stages of the work is easier and more economical when compared to the execution after it is completed. What's more: the cost to apply a waterproofing system to a building, considering design, consulting, inspection, execution and materials, represents only 1 to 3% of the total cost of the work. That's why we say that it's not worth letting waterproofing go through to contain costs!
And that's not all! Re-waterproofing can represent up to 25% of the total cost of the work, including all direct and indirect costs, in addition to emotional wear and tear. Thus, we can conclude that when it comes to waterproofing, the cost-benefit of carrying out waterproofing at the beginning of the work pays off, not only to avoid inconvenience, but also to make better use of financial resources.
Therefore, when implementing a waterproofing system, with qualified products and appropriate services, the costs of the entire process reach around 2% of the total value of the work, while if it is carried out only after problems with infiltration have been found in the construction that has already been completed, the costs far exceed this amount, reaching up to 10% of the total cost of the work.
We try to provide it in percentage terms so that you can see why to implement a waterproofing system in the early stages of a project. In addition to comparing financial costs and losses, we need to balance other forms of loss, which also weigh heavily, such as emotional distress, tensions and anguish that generate a loss of quality of life.
Thus, when deciding on the waterproofing process for your project, analyze all the cost-benefits, but surely, after what we have explained here, you will see that it is worth spending part of the financial resources you have to create an efficient waterproofing system. Because, did you know that 85% of building problems come from infiltration? For this reason, waterproofing is essential when it comes to building quality and safety!
Now that we have been able to answer the question of why to waterproof, let's understand how the process takes place. Are you ready? Then come with me!
The time has come to understand how the waterproofing process takes place, that is, what is the step by step, with the main stages of the application of waterproofing products.
There are a multitude of products that have the function of acting as a waterproofing agent, but you need to take into account some variables to make the right choice. With professional help, you will choose a product, which contains quality and safety standards, in addition to considering all the specificities of the material that will receive the product, including exposure of the surface to water. Thus, after choosing the product, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper handling and execution.
It's a fact that the execution mode varies from product to product, but the procedure is basically the same and that's what we're going to bring to this topic!
In general, before any application of the waterproofing agent, it is necessary to clean the surface, eliminating all impurities and dirt.
After preparing the surface and following the manufacturer's guidelines for preparing the product, it is applied and the curing and drying times for the next few coats must be respected. After application, it is recommended to proceed with a watertightness test, keeping a water slide in place for at least 72 hours and observing for any leaks.
We always emphasize that it is important to carry out the entire waterproofing process to have a professional team to ensure that the service is done correctly.
So let's go to the steps. First of all, we need to understand that for the execution of a construction, it is necessary to prepare several projects. We can name a few, such as structure, installation, and architecture projects. But there is also a very important project for any project, which is the waterproofing project, complementary to the others but it contains all the details.
With the project in hand, the next step is the choice of materials, such as the products and equipment necessary for execution. Then you can go to the execution stage, which involves the following steps: surface preparation, product application and tightness testing. Shall we understand more about each one of them?
Um waterproofing project it is nothing more than an assessment of all constructive interferences such as type of building, structural movements, purposes of each area, and worker safety. From this analysis, it is possible to obtain greater efficiency in the process since the choice of materials and systems will be chosen according to the characteristics of the construction.
When we talk about the waterproofing process itself, we have the technical standards that direct the execution of the procedure. The main standards that deal with the waterproofing project are: NBR 9575 — Waterproofing: Selection and Design and NBR 9574 — Execution of waterproofing, which make up a descriptive manual, with details of the specifications of the materials and services to be performed. That is, they serve to establish criteria and determinations that must be followed so that the execution is carried out in the best possible way, avoiding problems.
NBR 9575 indicates that the waterproofing project must be prepared by a professional who is qualified to exercise this technical responsibility and must be legally authorized by CREA (Regional Council for Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy). For waterproofing to begin, it is necessary that the project has been submitted to the person responsible for the work and must be with the place where the waterproofing will be carried out, released and prepared for the start of the services.
This standard determines some general requirements that must be considered for the execution of the waterproofing project. First of all, the waterproofing must be designed so as to:
In addition to formulating a project analyzing all these objectives of the waterproofing process, it must also be developed together and compatible with other construction projects, such as architectural, structural, hydraulic-sanitary, electrical, gas, coatings and so many others. Thus, with all the construction details, the waterproofing project will meet all the specifications of the work and, therefore, reducing the chances of failures, ensuring an efficient waterproofing system.
Thus, we were able to conclude that carrying out a waterproofing project is a very important stage, because by analyzing each structure, drawing up its specifications and planning every detail, the project will guarantee the best strategy in each location, bringing greater protection, excellent cost-benefit and high durability to the work. Therefore, mapping all the details of the work is essential for a well done project, which will result in a more efficient waterproofing system for the construction.
You must agree that a well-done waterproofing project containing all the details and planning is useless if you choose products of poor quality or that are not suitable for what you want, isn't it?
The choice of materials is a weighty step in the entire waterproofing process. So let's discuss this topic in this topic!
Well, first of all, you need to choose products that meet safety and quality standards, produced by suitable industries and that respect their customers. A Blok is a company that values its customers and has know-how when it comes to waterproofing. That's why you need to know our products to know what quality and safety are! I'm sure you'll be surprised to have all the solutions we offer! Finally, search for good professionals who have been working in the area for some time. It may seem simple to choose a product to use in your work, but know that choosing the wrong one can make all the difference!
Have you ever thought that if you choose a low quality product you could bring your entire waterproofing project down? It's not worth paying less to have more problems! And often, not so cheap products may not be as good as they seem. Therefore, give due importance to the choice of materials, consult professionals in the field and choose the best options on the market! This will make all the difference in the final result of the construction and can guarantee more quality and durability.
That's what Blok is here to do: to offer best products from the market, with very high quality! Take a look at our site to understand what I'm talking about. When using one of our products, I guarantee that you will not regret it and you will be surprised by the results! But you'll only know that if you check it out, so talk to us so we can help you!
But more than that, choosing the manufacturer of the product is not enough to obtain perfect waterproofing for your work! Yes, you can choose a product from a suitable industry, but did you choose the right product for the area where it will be applied? We have said it countless times here and we insist on saying that to choose the right product, you need to consider some variables, such as the type of material that will receive the product, porosity, degree of exposure to sun and water, and where it is located. Therefore, if you are going to buy a product at a building materials store, be very careful, because the chance of choosing the wrong product is very high. Thus, it is important to consult professionals who work in the area and have experience to provide appropriate guidance.
A Blok it is a company that is willing to find the solution to your problem! We have experience in the subject and, when explaining your situation, I guarantee that we will give you the best option on the market! Therefore, count on us and guarantee more quality for your works!
After choosing the products that will be used in carrying out the waterproofing, you need to select the materials that will be required for the application. These materials may vary depending on the type of product, such as paint rolls, brushes, brushes, torches, in short, it will depend on how the waterproofing will be done.
In addition to the products and materials, you need to select the necessary PPE's to protect workers and prevent accidents, right?
Summarizing everything we said here on this topic, it's not enough to choose a quality product, it's necessary to choose the right product for what you need! If you were able to understand about the project and about the choice of products, you are already ready to begin the process of carrying out the waterproofing itself.
We can understand the execution of waterproofing in three steps: surface preparation, product application, and tightness testing. Let's explain each one of them. By performing them correctly, you will have a surface protected against the action of water, much more resistant!
The first stage of carrying out waterproofing consists of preparing the surface, that is, removing dirt and smoothing its entire length. Cleaning must be done to remove any dirt from the surface to make it ready to receive the product. Regularization is important as it eliminates weak spots, contributing to better product adhesion.
Surface preparation is essential for better adhesion of the product to the substrate, providing more effective waterproofing and even greater protection!
Thus, good cleaning should be carried out, according to the guidelines of NBR 7200, following all the procedures listed by the standard. Let's understand each step.
First, the base to be waterproofed must be clean, free of dust, grease, oil, efflorescence, loose materials, or any products or incrustations that may impair the adhesion of the product.
According to the standard, washing can be performed according to the following procedures:
After all these procedures have been carried out, you must wait for the complete drying of the base before proceeding with the application of the waterproofing agent.
Regularizing the surface consists of leaving the surface suitable for receiving the waterproofing system, detecting weak concrete spots, grouting of tubes, elements passing through the surface and, thus, applying specific mortar to standardize the entire substrate. It should be noted that a slope of at least 1% must be maintained on the surface so that water does not accumulate and can be drained.
Once the surface has been prepared and when it is clean and regular, it is time to apply the product. Let's understand how this step takes place.
The product application varies greatly depending on the type of product and is defined by the manufacturer. Later on, we will discuss all the types of waterproofing that exist on the market and there, we will be able to talk more about the forms of application of each of them.
As a product differs greatly from one another, it is not appropriate here to list all the forms of application, as we will do this later. If you want to jump there, feel free. If you want to learn a little more about other subjects, continue here with us!
However, what we can say about the application of waterproofing to surfaces is that it is based on the project, according to the specific details of the construction that were raised during its execution and, thus, the waterproofing system must be applied as it had already been established, always respecting all the manufacturer's guidelines.
After applying the waterproofing product, it is necessary to wait for the curing time specified by the manufacturer and only then should the tightness test be performed to prove the waterproofing efficiency.
Thus, according to NBR 9574, after performing the waterproofing, it is recommended to carry out a watertightness test with clean water, with a minimum duration of 72 hours to verify flaws in the execution of the type of waterproofing used. If, after this period, there are no signs of seeping, it can be understood that the waterproofing system was efficient.
Here, we explain how the entire waterproofing process should be carried out, starting with the execution of the project, containing all the details of the building as well as the planning of how it should be done, considering the specificities of the construction. Then, the process of choosing materials must be followed, and quality products suitable for the desired purpose must always be chosen. Only after these steps, is the waterproofing carried out, including surface preparation, cleaning and regularization for perfect adhesion and waterproofing performance.
Then, the product is applied, taking into account the manufacturer's guidelines and after the curing time, the efficiency of the system must be proven through the tightness test.
Now that you know all the steps of the process and the importance of each one of them, it is necessary to follow them correctly to obtain a higher than expected result! Implementing an efficient waterproofing system helps to increase the lifespan of a work and avoids many problems that have very serious consequences! Therefore, take advantage of the fact that you have access to knowledge and information to do it in the best possible way, because I guarantee it's worth it!
Let's start with topics that are the doubts of many people and, we, working with this for so many years, see that it is essential to answer all questions about waterproofing! Our daily lives are filled with people with questions that are very simple to answer and understand and, here, we intend to exhaust them all! Shall we go, there?
Well, this is a very relevant question when it comes to waterproofing, because most people think it's an unnecessary expense and believe that the price is too high! But we're here today to show that's not the case. First of all, waterproofing is an extremely necessary expense and avoids major problems!
Second, being high depends a lot on the reference, that is, if we compare the cost of waterproofing with the cost of repairs when proper waterproofing is not done, the amount spent to carry out the process at the beginning of the work becomes irrelevant! Therefore, to say that waterproofing is expensive is not true! And, in addition to not being expensive, it prevents possible future expenses and inconveniences! So, you know, don't you? Nothing to save when it comes to waterproofing, right?
But after all, what we want to answer in this topic is how much does a square meter of waterproofing cost. And do you know what the answer is? It depends. It depends on a number of factors. The first of these is the cost of the products that will have to be applied. Obviously, the choice of products is a very important step and one that must be carried out in order to consider all the particularities of the substrate and the final objective.
On how to choose the right product for waterproofing, we talked earlier in this article and, if you want to know more about this, reread the topics above. So, when we talk about the cost of waterproofing, the cost of the products is the first thing that must be considered, right?
The second factor involved in the total cost of the waterproofing process is the cost of labor. Hiring a professional team with technical competence is very important and makes all the difference in the final result. Thus, not only is it of fundamental importance to consult a specialized professional to assess the conditions and draw up a process plan, but it is also essential to hire a team that knows how to carry out the waterproofing, that is, the application of the product with the appropriate tools and following the manufacturer's instructions.
The third factor, which is often not included in the total cost of the waterproofing process, is surface preparation, and this is a variable that can fluctuate a lot. For example, if you need to apply a product to a surface whose regularization mortar is very deteriorated, it will be necessary to regulate all of it so that the product adheres well to the substrate.
Like this case, there are so many others that may vary when we speak in terms of the work to be carried out to obtain an appropriate surface for applying the product and in financial matters. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate each case and it is very difficult to speak in values when it comes to different and particular situations.
If you have read this far and are not satisfied with what you found, because you wanted an approximate amount of how much it costs to do waterproofing, I tell you that a direct answer is not always the right one. Here, we try to show you that the waterproofing process can be simpler and cheaper than you imagine, as well as it can be much more laborious and expensive. That's why there's no rule! Each case is a case and the entire situation must be evaluated before carrying out such an important process for the final quality of the work.
You might be thinking that it doesn't have to be that complex. But think that skipping this stage during construction or carrying it out anyway will not compensate for the expenses that may arise in the future! Often, what may seem simple is not and that's when we talk about the importance of hiring qualified, experienced professionals who will truly help you!
Giving due importance to the choice of product and material, selection of professionals and labor always make the difference. Thus, there is no ready-made formula, let alone fixed values for the waterproofing process, since the situations can be as varied as possible, making any type of measurement unfeasible. But the fact never changes: evaluating each case, with professional help, is essential to obtain efficient waterproofing.
If you are a professional who provides services for waterproofing buildings and are looking for how to calculate the amount to provide this type of service on construction sites, here are some tips.
Basically, you need to consider the factors that we mentioned in the previous topic, that is, the cost of products and materials, the cost of labor, and the cost of preparing the surface.
Regarding the cost of the products, you will need to select those that meet the specificities of the substrate where it will be applied. Thus, it is important to assess the surface conditions, what type of exposure it is subjected to, and the material it is composed of.
The labor cost must be calculated based on the application time, which may vary if you are just one person doing the job or if you have a specialized team.
And finally, the cost of surface preparation. This type of work may not involve your area of expertise, but it is essential that you consider it before starting to execute the process.
Therefore, the amount that must be charged for waterproofing depends, mainly, on these factors and the one who is able to define it is the provider of this type of service himself, since he is the one who will know how to calculate all the expenses involved in the entire waterproofing process, right?
If you are looking for the answer to how much waterproofing costs, I can tell you that there is no single answer. Actually, the most correct answer in this case is: it depends. It depends on some variables, which we explained in the topic above: “How much does a square meter of waterproofing cost?”. Read what we said there to get an idea of the factors to consider before arriving at values.
Once the materials, products, labor have been selected and the surface has been prepared, the waterproofing process can now be carried out. After applying the waterproofing product, the most frequently asked question is: how long will the waterproofing last?
We have to understand that waterproofing can suffer several influences when it comes to durability, these are:
It is therefore not very easy to pinpoint how long a waterproofing method lasts. However, some measures are essential to increase the durability of a waterproofing system, such as paying attention to the quality of the construction and the waterproofing process. Even so, it is possible to verify several techniques, for specific cases, that influence this issue.
Thus, in order for the waterproofing system to have greater durability, in addition to taking into account the above topics, it is important to avoid some of these points, mainly: choosing the wrong or poor quality waterproofing system, intense climatic variations, low quality workmanship and the presence of a water slide on the surface.
So, it is always recommended to use every means to increase the durability of the waterproofing system to extend the deadline for its maintenance, right?
After everything we've said so far, you've probably figured out the answer to this question, but we're still going to tell you the best time to apply waterproofing. Basically, the waterproofing agent must be applied as soon as possible, that is, during the execution of the work and after preparing the surface to receive the product.
We have already spoken here and we all know that the waterproofing process is not always carried out during the construction phases and that is where the problem lies: afterwards, it may be too late and the inconvenience caused by the waterproofing failure is enormous, since, in addition to the expenses, the damage to the construction can be irreversible. Therefore, we insist on saying that including the waterproofing process in the planning of any project is essential.
However, if you skip this step during the execution of the work, know that it is still possible to apply a waterproofing system after the work is completed or when pathological manifestations appear. The important thing is to apply the appropriate waterproofing agent for each case! And always prioritizing preventive measures over corrective ones, right?
Now, let's talk about another very important topic that can cause some confusion when we talk about types of waterproofing. Well, in this topic, we are going to know what they are and which type is suitable for each area, right?
Waterproofing is classified into two types: The rigid and the flexible. The choice of which system to use varies according to the specificities of the surface where it will be applied, that is, it depends completely on the characteristics of the structure and material of the substrate. Therefore, there is no better system than another, and it is essential to prepare a waterproofing project after making a professional assessment of the place where the product will be received. Thus, when preparing a waterproofing project, all these variables will be taken into account, which will determine the best waterproofing agent for each area.
But what is the difference between the two systems? The systems are classified as rigid or flexible according to the possibility of the constructive parts suffering some type of cracking.
A rigid waterproofing is performed by applying chemical additives to mortars or in the form of rigid acrylic membranes. As rigid waterproofing does not work together with structural elements, it is not suitable for structures subject to large movements or exposed to mechanical stress, caused by intense vibrations or constant impacts. Therefore, it is essential to assess how much the structure is exposed to temperature variations or subject to cracks. Its use is indicated for areas such as baldrame beams, wall plinths, subfloors...
Already the flexible waterproofing, on the contrary, it uses waterproofing with more elastic properties (materials consisting of polymer and elastomer, forming prefabricated membranes or blankets), so they can conform to the structure during movement and prevent the appearance of cracks and cracks. Therefore, the flexible waterproofing it is suitable for places subject to temperature variations, (such as balconies, slabs, terraces, covers), and its most common use in swimming pools.
We can still mention the semi-flexible waterproofing system, a new concept that emerged in recent years, but has not yet been included in Brazilian technical standards. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to this new classification when preparing the waterproofing project. After all, what does semi-flexible waterproofing consist of? It is nothing more than a system that presents intermediate characteristics between rigid and flexible, but with some limitations, such as low mechanical resistance and little resistance to thermal expansion.
The semi-flexible system consists of a bicomponent material (polymer mortar), composed of a powder plus a liquid, which when mixed, forms an easy-to-apply mortar. Because it is a new classification of waterproofing, each situation must be analyzed more carefully and understood if its use is appropriate.
Here, we will list some of the main waterproofing systems, although there are many others. If you want to know all the types, NBR 9575 mentions them all, just consult it!
The main waterproofing systems are:
Therefore, knowing the types of waterproofing systems strongly influences the right choice to then guarantee the success of the project. Here, you learned about the main ones and, now, choosing the right system for your work will be easier! But, always remember to have specialized help in the matter, okay?
We no longer doubt that waterproofing is one of the main processes in a construction and that it must be carried out with great attention to obtain efficient results. But, now let's understand where the waterproofing agent can be applied. The range of substrates that can and should receive waterproofing products It's very vast, so let's mention the main ones and those that should be on the priority list when planning your work, okay?
Some years ago, waterproofing was performed only on the outside of buildings so that, in this way, it could prevent the structure from suffering from the elements, protecting it against the harmful action of water. Over time, there was a need and importance of applying waterproofing to the inside of buildings, which guaranteed greater strength and durability of the entire structure, delaying or even preventing the onset of pathological manifestations.
For this reason, today, waterproofing inside a building is already a fact incorporated and accepted by the construction industry. And obviously, the best time to do it is during the execution of the work, but if you haven't had that opportunity, it's still possible to do it!
Now, we are going to explain where the waterproofers should be applied and, to begin with, we need to identify the type of surface that will receive the product. With this in hand, it is possible to draw up a project through the processes that will be defined in order to guarantee the efficiency of the treatment. Let's list the main types of surfaces that receive waterproofing:
These are the main areas that should receive waterproofing, but there are so many others that we have not mentioned here. Therefore, you need to evaluate each surface before designing an execution project that is efficient and brings safety to your work, understood?
We have already answered this question throughout the text, but we insist on saying that it depends. It depends on the substrate material, how much the surface is in contact with water and exposed to weather and other characteristics particular to each area. Therefore, we cannot be generic and say that if it is such a surface, such a product is used. Considering the specificities of each area is a very important step in the preparation of a waterproofing project and can thus bring good results.
As we have already explained here, there are several types of waterproofing systems and, of course, each of them requires a particular mode of application, and different equipment can be used. The waterproofing agent may require heat to apply or it can be applied cold, so the equipment used during the application process ranges from brush, brush, roller to blowtorch.
Before separating the equipment that will be used during the execution process of the waterproofing project, it is necessary to know what system will be adopted and what material will be needed, right?
And of course, you should not forget the PPE's for employees who are going to carry out the waterproofing process to prevent accidents!
We always like to emphasize in all our articles the importance of consulting Brazilian standards before carrying out any process. They provide guidelines and are responsible for guiding any procedure so that the result is the best possible! Therefore, we recommend having them in hand to guide decisions when it comes to carrying out works. And when we talk about waterproofing, it's no different! There are several standards on this subject, but the main NBR's on waterproofing are 9575 and 9574.
NBR 9575 addresses the topic of waterproofing selection and design, that is, it contains the topics that talk about definitions, classification, selection, and design. It may seem quite generic, but they are introductory and essential topics for the waterproofing project and its execution to be efficient. Therefore, knowing concepts can make all the difference in the final result! So don't skip that part, huh?
NBR 9475, on the other hand, talks about the execution of waterproofing, that is, it deals with the different types of waterproofing systems, such as rigid and flexible ones, which we also talk about here. It lists all the systems and details the modes of application of each of them. Thus, this standard is essential to be consulted before starting the execution process, as it provides the path of how to do it correctly! That makes it much harder to make mistakes, isn't it?
To conclude this long article that we bring you today, let's talk briefly about the precautions that must be taken to extend the lifespan of the waterproofing agent after it has been applied.
You know that it's not enough just to apply the waterproofing agent to the surface and only think about it again when there's a problem, right? You need to understand that certain precautions must be taken to extend the shelf life of the product and prevent problems from arising! Therefore, firstly, periodic maintenance of the waterproofing agent must be carried out on the surface and secondly, you need to be aware in the event of an accident that could injure the waterproofing layer.
So, if you do these two things, you already guarantee greater durability of the waterproofing system and the structure as a whole, right?
Well, today we made an overview and tried to talk a little bit about almost all the topics involving waterproofing. However, as it is a very vast subject, there are many other topics on the subject that can be explored in depth. But, with this content that we made for you, it is possible to have a notion about such an important topic that is not always given due relevance.
Therefore, we are sure that if you have read this far, you are interested in learning and acquiring knowledge to apply to your works! And that's what makes the difference. Blok believes this and values the importance of knowledge in the quality of processes and results. For this reason, we bring this article so that you, like us, can add to Construction market! And for that, we are always here: to contribute our knowledge and experience in the field! Blok is ready for any challenge, count on us!
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