What You Need to Know About Form for Concrete Floor?
If you are already working with concrete parts, now is the time to also consider the opportunity to start manufacturing concrete floors.
This type of item is trending, following various construction and decoration trends. So, if you're evaluating this segment, it's also important to learn more about the types of form for concrete floor and its main characteristics.
In the old days, when people heard the words “concrete floor”, many could think of a garage or warehouse. However, new trends in concrete products are completely changing the world of architecture and construction.
If, before, few people thought about concrete floor as a decorative element, it is now an obvious alternative, given its differentials and attributes. The concrete floor is also synonymous with elegance and robustness, being a highly customizable option and an alternative to traditional floors, such as linoleum, wood, tile, stone or marble.
The options for colors, textures, patterns, and types of finishes are another highlight, bringing versatile combinations and possibilities to industrial, commercial, or residential environments. All this combined with great durability and easy maintenance make this floor so sought after.
And then, how about finding out more about the possibility of starting to manufacture this type of floor? Also check out what are the main types of materials that can be used as a form to manufacture concrete floors.
In Brazil, according to IBGE survey, there are around 12,589 establishments dedicated to the manufacture of concrete, cement, fiber cement, plaster and stucco artifacts. Although this is a recent survey, since then, this market has become even more widespread, which represents an increase in the competition faced by this type of business.
Among the strategies for those who already work with concrete artifacts to differentiate themselves and not compete solely for price in this market, is to invest in the qualification of concrete parts and in the company's productivity, in addition to diversifying its portfolio.
It is in this context that we start manufacturing concrete floor is shown as a path to be considered. With this type of product, it is possible to have scalability in your business, win new customers in different segments and increase your profitability.
There are several reasons behind the interest of architects, decorators, construction companies, industries, businesses and residential clients in this type of concrete floor.
Firstly, if properly installed and maintained, the concrete floor is extremely strong and durable. Its cost tends to be competitive, especially considering its long lifespan and low maintenance.
In companies and condominiums, for example, it is also sought after for its attributes of resistance to a large flow of people and to heavy loads.
Other differentials that you can use as a sales pitch are that the concrete floor is resistant to moisture and stains when properly sealed, free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), is easy to clean, contributes to indoor air quality (because it inhibits mold, mildew and odors) and its surface absorbs heat (which helps to reduce electricity bills).
For all these reasons, the concrete floor has been the perfect choice for retail stores, restaurants and bars, offices, churches, schools, medical institutions, and industrial and residential buildings. Also, for non-residential environments, it is possible to easily incorporate the company logo, colors, or theme directly onto the concrete floor.
The most popular color options tend to be neutral grays and earthy tones; however, the possibilities are nearly limitless. The color can be mixed with concrete (full color) or applied to the surface with stains, paints, epoxy coatings, colored sealants, or with a combination of one or more of these methods. Concrete can be colored so naturally that it blends perfectly with other elements in a room.
Thus, regardless of the purpose, you can also offer differentials related to the diversity of design and finish.
Gone are the days when a concrete floor meant just a hollowed and polished slab. Although the polished floor As simple as is exactly what is needed in some situations, customers also have the option of a variety of texturing and colorization techniques, such as:
Now that you know more about the possibilities of working with concrete floors, it is important to learn about the form for concrete floors.
In simple terms, it is nothing more than a solid barrier that holds fluid concrete in place until it dries and Harden within a certain particular form. However, currently, the shape also serves other purposes, such as providing insulation or transmitting special decorative effects to the concrete floor.
Thus, the concrete floor shape not only allows the notion of specificity to the project, but also provides a qualified finish aligned with the desired format, size and aesthetics.
The forms also allow the wet mix to retain its strength and Cure properly, providing durability to the floor. To do this, they must have firm joints, preventing wet concrete from leaking through their structure.
In addition, they also need to be able to withstand different weather conditions without warping or warping. Therefore, it is important to choose a concrete floor shape that is truly suitable for the objectives of each project.
For more robust projects, where a lot of weight has to be contained by the shapes, these tend to be made of rigid wood or metal, reinforced by straps, struts, or metal pins, in many cases.
However, in recent years, advances have been made in other materials, such as fiberglass and resins, although the cost and resistance of these materials may not always constitute the best option for manufacturing concrete floors. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the unique characteristics of each project to make the decision.
To choose the best shape for a specific project, it is also necessary to evaluate aspects such as the size of the leak, the amount of concrete What the shape needs to hold and the pressure or weight it will be pushing against the shape.
In any case, among the most common materials used in this environment, we can highlight:
Wood is the basic and most conventional form option for concrete floors. This type tends to be more affordable and used especially on flat concrete structures, such as floors, steps, or sidewalks.
Generally speaking, these forms consist of wooden planks, usually plywood, that can be screwed or nailed to additional stakes, which are commonly made from wood and steel.
In many cases, when using wooden form, the pegs are driven into a prepared sub-base, and the forming plates are placed on a suitable level or slope, using leveling devices.
Although easy to produce, this type of concrete floor shape can have a very limited lifespan, and the process can be lengthy, so it is not the most suitable for certain projects. Despite this, the wooden form is quite flexible and ideal for use in complicated floor construction sections.
Another point to consider is that dry wood can absorb water from wet concrete, which can result in the reduction of the strength of the concrete structure. After all, wood with a high moisture content compresses wet concrete, forming cracks in the structure, and mortar can leak through the joints when shrinkage occurs. Still, it's not uncommon for the wood form to stick to the concrete - which makes the use of a good mold release essential, as we'll see below.
The concrete floor mold made from silicone (silicone rubber) is widely used in projects to make printed floors, contributing to a good finish, with a satisfactory level of texture detail.
The silicone form, if used correctly, can be quite sturdy and durable. In addition, the material is non-toxic, odorless and non-corrosive.
It should also be noted that the silicone rubber form has characteristics of resistance to heat, cold, electrical, ozone and atmospheric aging, thermal stability, electrical insulation, air permeability, and easy demoulding.
This type of shape also offers the opportunity to mold from smooth and perfect textures, to those that very closely simulate the texture of rustic wood on concrete floors.
Among the points of attention to use this type of form for concrete floors, is the fact that care must be taken with the proportions and weights of the mixture, which must be precise so as not to exceed its capacity and compromise the shape and the work. In addition, the silicone rubber form may be less financially affordable than other material alternatives for concrete floor shaping.
This type of concrete floor molding material stands out for being reliable to use and versatile in performance. Its main attributes include resistance to corrosion, acids, and alkalis. Still, its strong toughness, adequate impact resistance, great flexibility and the fact that it is not easy to be deformed.
The ABS shape also has a practical cleaning routine, low maintenance and good durability - if properly cared for, it can be reused several times.
It is worth mentioning that ABS is a more recent material among the alternatives for forming concrete. Also for this reason, some deficiencies compared to the steel form and that of wood, for example, may be present. There is resistance to static bending, which may be lower than that presented by other materials for forming concrete floors, and the possibility that ABS may be more affected by different temperature conditions.
Polyvinyl chloride - also called vinyl chloride or polyvinyl chloride -, better known as PVC, is one of the most popular types of plastics used in civil construction, and for different purposes - including, for the form for concrete floors.
Forms made from PVC are generally lightweight, more affordable, and offer performance advantages. Resistance to abrasion, corrosion and other modes of degradation, in addition to the toughness of PVC and its good mechanical resistance, are also benefits presented when using this material for the concrete floor form.
As it is a very competitive material in terms of price, this value is also enhanced by properties, such as durability, useful life and low maintenance.
PVC also has chemical stability, which is an important factor when working in environments where different types of chemicals are applied. It has great availability and tends to be quite economical. It should also be noted that, compared to other plastic alternatives, PVC has good resistance to impact deformation, which is an additional safety for the project.
This type of shape is also versatile and is even used to manufacture concrete floors that are very aesthetically similar to wood.
As a counterpoint, there is the fact that harmful by-products may be created as a result of the chemical composition of PVC, which has caused some companies to stop working with this type of material, especially when the work environment is not well ventilated and ventilated. In addition, it has a higher density than many plastics.
Polyethylene is a strong material, yet lighter and easier to handle than wood. Another difference is that the shape will be easier to picket precisely than the one made with other materials.
The concrete floor form made of polyethylene also has uniform linearity and, with the adoption of proper care, can be durable and reused several times.
However, for businesses with a solid sustainability plan, it is important to consider that this is a material that, like other types of plastic, can take time to decompose. Also, in the event of combustion, there is the possibility of releasing toxic gases.
Compared to the traditional wood form, this type tends to be faster to assemble. As for its cost, when considering that the metal form can be reused many times, it becomes attractive.
This type of shape is known for its intrinsic stiffness and for providing an excellent finish, cleaner and with fewer holes for insects on the cast concrete surface compared to wood forms, for example.
In the case of the steel form, because it does not absorb moisture from the placed concrete, it helps to reduce the errors observed after removing the forms from the concrete.
As a point of attention when choosing, this type of shape may be more expensive, if the intention is not to reuse it frequently. In addition, corrosion may occur when there is more routine contact with water. It should also be considered that there may be size limitations for metallic shapes.
Among the material options for forming concrete floors, fiberglass is characterized by being a material without corrosive potential, having a relatively affordable cost, being lightweight, exhibiting moisture resistance, thermal conductivity, and chemical resistance.
Thus, this is a material that, depending on the needs of the project, can offer great strength but lower density than others, such as steel.
However, it is important to pay attention to the fact that some glass fibers still use formaldehyde as a binder, which leaks into the air, which is associated with potential health risk conditions. There may also be an unpleasant smell of the resin binder on some glass fibers.
Regardless of the type of concrete floor shape chosen, it is essential to use a good quality mold release agent to ensure the best finish of the parts and protect the shapes, so that they last longer demoulding cycles.
This type of product has, among its basic purposes, to create a layer between the concrete and the shape used, in order to prevent adhesion between these elements, which will facilitate the unmolding process and will help keep the shape in good condition for reuse.
Another result that the release agent can bring is to improve the quality of the finish of the demolded parts and increase the company's productivity - since it becomes much easier and faster to release the shape of the concrete.
When selecting the release agent, take into account the type of surface (absorbent or non-absorbent), type of concrete, quality of finish and ease and safety of application, in addition to its composition, which must not contain toxic solvents.
Also, always use a release agent appropriate to the material of your shape for concrete floors - there are great options on the market focused on the main materials we have seen here - thus, you will prevent the concrete from sticking to the shape and damaging your work.
Blok is already a reference in waterproofing agents, but it offers solutions that go beyond this challenge, such as the line of concrete release agents for wood, metal and plastic forms (PVC and ABS), which is the most recommended by engineers and construction professionals.
All Blok mold removers are concentrated and biodegradable products, without the addition of toxic solvents, made from raw materials derived from renewable sources - which makes your choice more sustainable.
In addition, they do not leave stains and residues on the concrete floor surface, improve the finish of the unmolded parts, contribute to increasing the useful life of the concrete floor mold and minimizing costs for cleaning these forms.
Next, discover more about these mold release agents that will be your allies when starting to manufacture concrete floors:
So, ready to start manufacturing concrete floors? For more tips about this market and its best practices, continue to follow our blog and, for more details about our concrete release line, visit product page with information about your application.
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