The Importance of Waterproofing the Bathroom Box
The bathroom is a special place in any person's home. Today I'm going to teach you how to waterproofing of the toilet box can be made qualitatively and safely.
As the bathroom is exposed to water and moisture, leaks and seeps constantly appear. For this reason, it is important waterproof the entire bathroom area, not just the shower.
The procedure of waterproofing must be performed by a qualified professional, following a specific and detailed project to obtain better results.
It is necessary to be aware of critical points, such as drains and corners. A Norma NBR 9575 indicates recommendations related to waterproofing projects. In addition to the floor, the walls of this room must also be waterproofed.
Do you want to know more about box waterproofing from your bathroom? Follow this article to the end and discover how to carry out the process and which products are most suitable. Have a good read!
Infiltration, in addition to making the environment aesthetically unsightly, can cause problems to human health. Polymeric mortars are one of the most suitable products for floor waterproofing and pit walls. To seal the floor area and of the drains, a flexible product must be used, such as a flexible polymer mortar.
For walls, rigid polymer mortars or semi-flexible they are the most suitable, if a ceramic coating is placed on top of the waterproofing agent, which is what happens in most cases.
It is very common to find works that use waterproofing agents flexible on walls and that the ceramic coating has been laid. The major problem with a situation like this is that the waterproofing agent does not withstand the load exerted by the ceramic coating and comes to displace from the wall, taking the coating with it.
The application must be done with a clean and dry place, free of any residue. The waterproofing agent must be applied linearly and over the entire length of the box. When this layer is dry, about six hours later, there should be the second coat in the opposite direction and the third coat, after another six hours.
But this may vary depending on the material and the manufacturer, so always consult the product data sheet and ask for the manufacturer's guidelines.
An important tip to avoid moisture is not to drill holes in the walls, especially inside the box. Holes can be the gateway for seeps. One option is the installation of brickwork niches, which, in addition to the unique style, can receive waterproofing in the opening that will be open.
In addition to extending the useful life of the coatings and the construction as a whole, waterproofing The shower enclosure protects the area from the proliferation of mold, bacteria and fungi harmful to human health.
In addition, infiltrations and leaks can cause serious structural problems in the property. The waterproofing of a bathroom stall, done correctly, prevents a lot of headaches and high expenses in the future.
It is important to be aware of the reforms. Using tools to remove parts and place others in place can damage existing waterproofing.
In addition, it is important to be careful with the installation of the garage doors. Holes in the wrong places can compromise waterproofing and cause damage to the property.
Watch for grouts that can make it easier for water to pass through. Give preference to waterproofing agents that prevent water from seeping into the wall and that will support the weight of the coating. The use of quality materials and supplies is essential for the durability of the bathroom shower waterproofing service. O Blok ST is a waterproofing resin for polymer mortar, ideal for wet areas like this one.
Therefore, the waterproofing of the bathroom stall prevents the proliferation of mold and fungi, and prevents infiltration and leaks. In addition, it offers more durability and longer useful life to the structure. Also pay attention to the use of quality products that make a lot of difference in the result of your work.
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