Dry Construction: Types, Features, and Advantages. Understand everything now!
Building requires time, work and commitment, but have you ever considered if there were any solutions that would facilitate this entire process? Engineers, architects, and master builders are always looking for methods that can optimize the entire construction process.
A dry construction it is a method that simplifies the steps, but still guarantees safety, quality and durability for every work. It is about her that we will talk in this article. Widely used in North America, Asia and Europe, this alternative construction method has also been gaining strength in Brazil because of its characteristics and numerous advantages it offers throughout the construction process.
Because it is a method that differs from traditional construction due to its agility, cost, economy and cleanliness, you need to know more about this subject to be updated on what is happening with the Brazilian construction market, which tends to increasingly adhere to this innovative construction method.
Thinking about the growth in the use of this construction method, we thought of writing this article to provide important information on this subject. Here, you will understand what dry construction consists of, what are its main types, differences with conventional construction and, finally, what are the advantages and disadvantages that this method provides. If you want to know all this, it's simple: just read this article to the end. Shall we go?
Before anything else, let's start with the basic question on the subject and that you need to know how to answer to continue delving deeper into the topic: what is dry construction?
Dry construction is nothing more than a construction process that eliminates the use of water at every stage, avoiding mixing and the use of mortars. But how is the process carried out then? Basically, the structures are manufactured in industries and are only assembled and installed at construction sites.
Despite so many benefits and being an innovative method, dry construction has never arrived in Brazil once and for all. Here, the most commonly used method is, without a doubt, conventional brickwork construction. This is due to some factors, such as resistance to using something new, little diversity of suppliers and lower availability in the market. However, it is good that you are already familiar with this method, because sooner or later, it will enter and remain in the Brazilian market. Its benefits are various and that must be the reason why it is already widely used in other regions.
What are the main types of dry construction?
There are some types of dry construction, which vary depending on the type of material and technique that will be used in the process.
First, we have to clarify that there are two basic types of structure: Wood Frame and Steel Frame. Wood Frame is when the structure of the entire building is made of wood while Steel Frame is composed of metal profiles. There are some types where the coating itself is also the structure, in the case of EPS Panels, Double Concrete Wall and Gypsum Blocks. As for gypsum boards (drywall) or cement boards, the structure can be Wood or Steel Frame.
Let's understand these types a little better:
These are the main types of dry construction that exist. Each of them has its own characteristics and has advantages and disadvantages. That's why it's important to study each type well to find out which one best suits your needs. Always count on the help of professionals to reach a conclusion that is favorable to you.
What differs conventional brickwork construction from dry construction, basically, is the use of water at every stage. Therefore, the dry construction method does not require the use of mixtures and mortars.
Among the main differences between conventional and dry construction, we can mention: dry construction is much faster, wastes much less material, time and labor. Also, the expenses on a dry construction are more predictable, giving you an idea of how much you will spend on the total work. Masonry may suffer from unexpected budget changes.
Despite being a very innovative option, the conventional method is still the most used in Brazil. However, in other countries, this construction model is very common and tends to enter the Brazilian market with force as well.
Now, I will introduce you to the pluses of dry construction, which are several. We can cite:
Now that you know the advantages that dry construction can provide, it's time to learn about its drawbacks.
As it is a construction model that is still little used in Brazil, it may be slightly more expensive due to the small amount of supplier and labor, which can make the total project budget more expensive. However, you have to consider that it is a construction that is erected in a short time. Thus, it is important to weigh your pros and cons to assess whether it is an advantageous model for you.
There is also a cultural issue and resistance regarding adherence to the dry construction model because it is little used in Brazil. However, this is a matter of time. It will not take long for this model to enter the domestic market.
Would you like to know more about dry construction? It is a very interesting and different way of building, but it will enter and remain in the Brazilian market. Therefore, it is good that you are already getting used to this innovative solution that seeks to transform traditional forms of construction. If you need a product for your work, be sure to talk to the team at Blok, to learn about the best solutions to guarantee quality construction.
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