ABNT NBR 9050: Accessibility to buildings, furniture, spaces and urban facilities
You may have noticed that there are several laws that regulate the rights of people with special needs, haven't you? Increasingly, we see policies being created so that people with disabilities and reduced mobility can be included in a manner consistent with their needs in society.
And, with civil construction it was no different. Did you know that there is a technical standard that establishes criteria and technical parameters to be observed regarding the design, construction, installation and adaptation of urban and rural environments, and of buildings to the conditions of accessibility?
Well... it's about it that we're going to talk about today and, if you don't know it yet, you'll understand what rights it guarantees for people with special needs and you'll also learn tips on how to apply it when carrying out a project.
Thinking of bringing to the attention of all some NBR's, we consider that this standard is one of the most important and that it is not always given due relevance.
Thus, you will see that building a quality project involves adopting procedures to ensure accessibility for people who need adaptations. Also, let's explain that it is a simple and fast process that contributes to the development of social issues in civil construction. Shall we go?
As we have already begun to talk about, NBR 9050 was created with the purpose of establishing standards to ensure accessibility for buildings. In keeping with the new demands in relation to the needs of people with disabilities, it became essential to formulate a standard that would establish guidelines to guarantee buildings adapted to those in need.
This standard was created in 1985 by the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT) and has undergone several updates, including the last one made very recently, in 2020. Its objective is to define the aspects of accessibility that must be observed in urban buildings.
Thus, the criteria established by the standard consider various conditions of mobility and perception of the environment, with or without the help of specific devices, such as prostheses, support devices, wheelchairs, tracking canes, assistive hearing systems, or any other that may complement individual needs.
But, the norm clarifies that in order to be considered accessible, all spaces, buildings, furniture and urban equipment that will be designed, constructed, assembled or implanted, as well as the renovations and expansions of buildings and urban facilities must comply with this standard.
Thus, we can understand that the main objective of NBR 9050 is to guarantee work in a safe environment, providing for the use of buildings, furniture and equipment by as many people as possible, regardless of age, height or mobility restriction.
NBR 9050 is quite extensive and establishes standards on various subjects, but we can cite some guidelines it provides regarding: vertical and horizontal signs, bathroom size, floor characteristics, adequate circulation space for a wheelchair, information in Braille, accessible parking lots, access ramps, architectural barrier, lifting platform, in short, there are several standards determined by the standard. To know each of them in detail, we recommend reading the full standard.
It is also worth mentioning that NBR 9050 not only deals with accessibility for people with disabilities, but also meets the needs of pregnant women and the elderly.
Because it is a norm that plays a fundamental role in the inclusion of people with special needs, we can understand its importance not only for civil construction, but also for society as a whole, isn't it?
It is possible to notice the emergence of policies that also act to meet the demands of this population and NBR 9050, by establishing standards for buildings considering their needs, becomes an ally in improving the quality of life of these people.
Brazil is a country with a large number of people with disabilities and that is why NBR 9050 is so important, as it makes life easier for this population, whose lives are often difficult due to the absence of measures aimed at their accessibility to various types of public and private spaces. As we have said, this standard was also formulated with people with reduced mobility in mind, such as pregnant women and the elderly.
Thus, NBR 9050 was created to include a good portion of the Brazilian population, who have their right to come and go curtailed by the lack of measures to guarantee their accessibility. Therefore, this standard contributes to the advancement of policies that favor the quality of life and access of people with special needs, thus being able to understand the reason for its great importance.
If there is a standard, it must be complied with and enforced. But who is responsible for complying with the NBR 9050 regulation? The person responsible for complying with the requirements established by the standard is the one who signs the architectural design of the work and is expected to follow all the recommendations, but this is not always the case. Whether out of bad faith or lack of knowledge, there are still buildings that do not meet the accessibility requirements.
Therefore, the inspection of compliance with NBR 9050 is carried out by CREA, through control through the ART (Technical Responsibility Note) of the project. Surveillance may also take place by municipal bodies.
Therefore, complying with NBR 9050 not only frees you from legal problems, but also makes the work accessible to any type of person, regardless of their limitations. Therefore, pay attention to all the requirements that the standard determines to ensure adequate construction!
Now that you understand the importance of the standard and why it is not an option to meet all your requirements, you must be wondering how to adapt your work to NBR 9050, right?
So that's what we're going to talk about now, in short.
The first thing to do is to study about accessibility, because it's not just NBR 9050 that deals with this issue. There are several regulations and laws that establish standards for the most varied types of environments. Therefore, it is essential to inform yourself through various means that address this issue, okay?
Another essential factor is hiring professionals who understand accessibility, as it is not always simple to adapt a project to meet the requirements of NBR 9050. In addition, it is necessary to have a multidisciplinary team, since the adaptations not only involve architectural design, but also electrical and hydraulic projects.
In addition to the physical structure, such as access by ramps or elevators, it is essential to consider all the furniture, such as benches, vases and bins, and also the equipment that must be adapted so that its use can be carried out autonomously, as is the case of faucets, switches, door handles...
To think about a project or renovation that guarantees accessibility, you must consider several points and always pay attention to the internal circulation and dimensions of corridors and doors.
To make no mistake and forget something, hire a professional who is well aware of NBR 9050 and other laws that regulate accessibility in construction sites. Here, we only gave some more important tips, which do not require the consultation of an experienced professional!
Every standard undergoes constant revisions since society's demands are dynamic, which requires changes in laws. NBR 9050 was last revised in 2020, presenting changes from grammatical corrections to conceptual design changes. The revision prior to this one was carried out in 2015, so it's always good to be aware of updates so as not to run the risk of making changes to the work without being sure of the current standards, right? We will not dwell on the technical issues that have changed in the standard, but if you want to know, we recommend that you read the updated NBR 9050 itself or search for articles that explain your changes in detail!
And, in case you want to know about others NBR's, no blog of Blok, you can find the most important ones with all the information you need to guarantee quality works!
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