Permeable Concrete: What You Should Know
The permeable concrete, also known as a permeable floor, is a type of concrete developed especially to allow water to pass directly to its lower level.
Thus, it is a very interesting coating alternative for application in outdoor areas, facilitating the drainage of rainwater and the surface draining process, preventing the formation of puddles and flooding.
For this reason, permeable concrete have become an increasingly popular choice, gaining more and more followers, interested in the wide range of advantages that this material offers with its use.
However, the process of manufacturing and installing the permeable concrete floor must be done following certain precautions to ensure the quality and efficiency of the final result, acting with good performance and aesthetic appearance.
In this article, we are going to explain everything you need to know about the permeable concrete. See, below, what this material is, how it works, main advantages, where it can be installed and how to guarantee a good result in your application.
The concept of permeable floors has been used for thousands of years, with records in Greek society and the Roman Empire, for example. Basically, the draining floor is a type of flooring that allows water to pass through its structure, preventing its accumulation on the surface and providing efficient drainage for the covered area.
Despite its long history, the first permeable concrete floors were developed in the mid-1940s in the Netherlands, a country that faces difficulties in paving concrete because of the instability of the soil, since it is below sea level.
However, the technology used was that of interlocking plates - a type of paving that uses spaced joints or hollow areas in its structure to guarantee the passage of water.
In recent years, with the advancement of technology, a type of concrete has been developed that is capable of allowing water to flow through the material itself efficiently, without the need to make cuts or leave spaces between the pieces to drain.
Thus, the concrete drainage floor, as it is called, is a type of porous coating formed by a combination of concrete with stones of various grain sizes, designed to allow water to drain through it, and reach the ground or the lower layer of the pavement without difficulty. We will understand a little more about this material below.
The permeable concrete floor is executed with permeable concrete, a special type that is produced so that the cement does not completely seal the gaps between the stones, ensuring free spaces in the concrete structure.
In this way, it is a material that has numerous small holes, which allow moisture to pass through, facilitating the drainage of rainwater and preventing the accumulation of water on the surface - while having the appearance and general characteristics of the traditional concrete coating.
The permeable floor can be used on top of a subfloor, directly on the ground surface or over a drainage system, which allows water to be stored and conducted to groundwater or to the land or city's water drainage system.
Thus, it provides various solutions, which can be adapted to each specific case. ABNT NBR 16416 regulates the manufacture of permeable floors, standardizing the requirements and procedures that must be followed to guarantee the quality and efficiency of the paving result.
There are many benefits that the permeable concrete floor guarantees with its application. Let's see the main advantages of this type of flooring:
The permeable concrete floor is a material with high permeability, preventing the appearance of puddles and the accumulation of water on the floor surface. As a result, it decreases the chances of flooding and reduces the burden on the area's drainage infrastructure, in addition to making it difficult to clog drains.
Because its main characteristic is porosity, the permeable concrete floor is a high-adhesion anti-slip coating, which prevents accidents during the traffic of people and vehicles on its surface.
In addition, it is an athermal floor, which maintains an average temperature of up to 7ºC lower than that of asphalt, for example. In this way, it is a safe material, even for barefoot circulation, as in the case of areas surrounding swimming pools, while also helping to reduce the usual heat islands of cities.
Another advantage is the savings that the permeable concrete floor provides, in several respects. This material is low maintenance and easy to clean, in addition to having high durability and does not generate waste during its installation.
More than that, it also allows the reuse of rainwater and reduces the maintenance costs of the area's drainage systems, by preventing them from being overwhelmed by the volume of heavy rains. Thus, it is a paving with advantageous costs in the short and long term.
Concrete is a material known for its strength and durability. Currently, several permeable concrete floor options with different resistance standards, developed to meet the needs of each case, can now be found on the market.
Just choose the material according to the particularities of the application, such as the level of traffic in the area, the accessibility standard or the type of drainage desired.
The permeable concrete floor helps maintain the surrounding soil and vegetation by allowing the direct passage of water and nutrients from rain and the environment to the ground, ensuring their absorption by nature. In addition, the material is capable of filtering water, which causes it to arrive purified to the soil despite the pollution of the atmosphere of cities and sidewalks.
The material used for the production of the permeable concrete floor can be reused or recycled for other purposes. Often, permeable floors help recycle waste or use natural bases such as fibers and stones, contributing to the reduction of environmental impact.
The permeable concrete floor offers several aesthetic options, providing creative freedom for its use in decoration. There are several possible combinations between different sizes and colors, with modern design and creative applications.
The release agent is a product designed to create a thin layer between the concrete and the formwork, preventing adhesion between them. In this way, it facilitates the unmolding and makes it possible to reuse the formwork, in addition to ensuring the removal of the concrete from the mold without it suffering cracks, breaks or other damage.
In the manufacture of permeable concrete floors, the use of release agent is essential to guarantee a good result. To be produced, this type of paving must undergo a period of curing inside the formwork, until it is ready to be removed.
However, the process of unmolding the floor can be one of the most complicated stages in its production, as it is a critical point where damage can occur to both the part and the mold.
With the use of a reliable and efficient mold release, the removal of the formwork is significantly facilitated. As a result, the final product has higher quality and the entire manufacturing process becomes more economical by reducing waste and production loss, while also allowing the reuse of the formwork and reducing the chances of failure.
Blok is a company committed to the development of products that use cutting-edge technology to facilitate the management of its construction techniques and to leverage the quality of its results. Get to know our release agent and guarantee even more efficiency for your permeable concrete floor production!
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